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About 'intex pools cleaning'|How to Patch a Pool?
2 years ago I came across an ad in our local newspaper. The headline was unbelievable; Free Above Ground Pool! You Take Down! It sounded too good to be true... and it was. You see as we worked on taking down their pool, half way through the job, we all realized that there was no way in hell we would be able to set this thing up, and line the pool liner back up, as the liner had the filter cuts already in it. No way in heck were we going to be able to line it up correctly. By the time we were finished hauling the pool from point A to point B, we already knew. We didn't get a free pool. They got a free removal. Due to the fact that we are an extremely stubborn family, we of course went ahead and attempted setting this rickety old pool up. 2 weeks later, a giant leveled out hole in the ground, we knew we had failed. We tried, and tried, yet we couldn't set the damn thing up for our lives. Our neighbors laughed as they splashed around in their delicious looking pools. Argh! We didn't bother with another above ground pool... till this weekend. A week prior I had seen a gnarly deal for an Intex 15' X 42" Round Metal Frame Pool. Unfortunately I didn't have the $183.00 to blow at the time. Yet when this weekend came pouring down on us with temperatures in the 80's, I knew damn well I was going out to buy that pool. No way I was going to leave such a low priced pool alone. This pool is usually priced at $299.99! So we head to Target where I saw the pool, and made my way to their pool section. A giant box containing the Intex 15' X 42" Round Metal Frame Pool. I took a look down below, and realized this pool was lowered from last weeks $183.00 price tag, to a sweet $159.99!!! You can't beat that, no sir, you can't. We had the sales clerk load the pool up onto a trolley. Rang us up, and gave us a $299.99 price tag. After arguing that this pool was placed in the sale section of the shelf, they had no choice but to honor their mistake. We walked out with a $300 pool for only $159 and tax. I knew that price was too good to be true... either way though, they honored the price, and we made out like bandits. In The Box: The Intex 15' X 42" Round Metal Frame Pool contains everything you need to get your pool up and running. It comes with white colored metal bars that easily click in to one another, a filter, skimmer, hoses for connecting to the pool, a vacuum, cleaning net, pool cover, ground cover, stairs, and the pool liner of course. Set Up: Setting Up The Pool: First we found the most level area on the lawn. (The spot that we dug up 2 years prior) After finding the most level area, we then layed out the ground cover, which is basically a giant squared blue piece of plastic. After lying the ground cover down, we then removed the pools liner, and began to stretch it out across the ground cover. After lining everything up where we wanted it, we then went at the boxes inside of the box. One box contained all of the white poles we needed to begin snapping the frame into place. Everything was easy, very easy. Simple snap, click, and set was basically all we faced during the initial set up process. I was amazed at how easy things were coming together, and how quickly things were getting done. We seriously had the pools metal frame up in less than an hour. No cussing, no throwing of metal poles, nothing. The set up of the Intex 15' X 42" Round Metal Frame Pool, was simple. So simple that one person could set this pool up alone. Setting Up The Stairs: The stairs were just as easy as the pool to set up. We did need to use a screwdriver for certain bolts in the stairs, but all in all everything was snap, click, and done. The Filter and The Skimmer: The filter and skimmer come included with the Intex 15' X 42" Round Metal Frame Pool. Everything once again is pretty self explanatory, and you barley will need to refer to the instructions. (Although I recommend you do) The only thing you really have to remember is to unscrew the air release valve on top of the filter, and then to screw it back on as the instructions provide. Skipping this step in the manual can result in the filter not running. Time To Set Up: After we had the entire pool set up, we then began to fill it with water. As the pool slowly began to fill, we had to get in and smooth out left over wrinkles. This took the most amount of time. The pool however was up and ready for fill in less than 45 minutes. As soon as you have your pool set up, you should begin to fill it with water, and while the pool is filling you can attach your filter, skimmer, and set up the ladder. It will take quite a bit of time for the pool to fill entirely. Do not leave water running over night, as it could flood, or bust open if your ground is not level enough. Overall set up time though, including the ladder, and smoothing out wrinkles took us about 3 hours realistically. Issues: We had come across absolutely no issues with the Intex 15' X 42" Round Metal Frame Pool. If your ground is too uneven though you will come across bulging while the pool is filling. This results in busts. If your pool is bulging, you have to move it to a more level area. Other than uneven terrain, the Intex 15' X 42" Round Metal Frame Pool was all around easy. The next list I will mention is warnings. But seriously if you don't know the rules to safe swimming... maybe you shouldn't even consider a pool. Do not jump off sides, do not jump off ladder, children should be supervised at ALL times. Ladder should be removed away from pool when not in use! Do not lift yourself using metal frame to get in or out of pool. Do not kick off of sides, no diving, your yard should have a fence completely around property, you should put the included cover on the pool when not in use, and do not go in for a dip if you are intoxicated! Last but not least, as fun as pools are, they are also quite dangerous and responsible for numerous deaths per year.Use responsibly! Overall: Although I have yet to take a dive into the water (too cold), the pool looks fantastic, was easy to set up, and even if we had to pay top price for the pool, it would have been well worth it. There is enough room in this 15 foot round pool for an entire family, and the neighbors. I couldn't be happier with the Intex 15' X 42" Round Metal Frame Pool. With proper care, the pool could be used for quite a few years. I'd easily rate the Intex 15' X 42" Round Metal Frame Pool 5 out of 5 stars. For more information click here |
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